Friday, June 10, 2011

Polka Dot Hat Lady

i drawing this lady picture...Polka Dot Lady.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


i think this is emo boy and gurl really cool..their styles and to see it..emo doesn't mean he/she must sad.well i respect they all.bravo!!!they really sty-lo.dare to wearing anything they want.and their hair style..
i liiikeeeeeee..!!!thumbs up!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Weirdo but Beautiful

Its long enough i did not updated my blog.Busy with my work..OMG...but only 5 days...hehehehe....I looked at this picture. Its very creative.With imagine from fantasy to reality.
Love this!!!Love Purple blue

Wanna See More Click Here

This one is cute!!!!even its kond of erm...yuck!!!but its cute...yeah its cute!!

Girl with colorful hair..Nice for beautiful girl....But please...think before you color your hair okay?

When kawaiii control you...Its all u can said...i want it!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Because of so bored to listen speech today..I draw a cute little gurl standing add the flower and wish to be like the flower..Being beautiful..Confidently grow even sometimes the flower falling to the ground but its still beauty..She keeps thinking wishing and standing there.Then suddenly the flower said to her in her mind...

This picture makes me stronger..Makes me set up my mind i will better than before.I will not lost my path..

Lost something is not lose everything

.Drawing makes me calm and comfortable.Music makes my heart happy.I love both of this. I'm Weirdo.Will love my self forever

Monday, March 21, 2011


For ladies visit my blog....We sell shawls, inner and many more!!Just the link below

Lady shawls
try it on you
its glory
with the story of love 
in the colorful life 
u never expected
my lady

♥♥Lady Love Shawls♥♥

Friday, March 4, 2011

See It

This is the most beautiful papercraft i ever seen...OMG!!!So creative you know..This castle has made by Wataru Itou, from Tokyo.Its made about over fours years and complete with light...So creative...I wish to see it..huhu...

I see the weird and cute thumb drive...I like...Which one i like????I want ALL..Yeahhh!!!!

I take your photo

Jack (Nightmare before Xmas)


British mini copper

No 18sx please....


So bored today...i have work to do..but dealing with the staff is so annoying..Want salary but they don't want fill the form...Please follow the rules la...(Just for sat-tern people) for your own good.I know you all busy but rules is rules, okay?No excuse even our system not okay..

And i heard something..My boss said we must keep the files into some place..OMG!!!!Keep all files!!!!?????its a hundred files..We have our energy for our function in the middle of this month..We all busy with another work for the function..Don't you get it?We can do after we settle up the functions..Up to you la.What you think about me..What you want to say..I DON'T CARE!..HAHAHA..MY ADVICE...IF YOU WANT YOUR STAFF RESPECT AND LOVE YOU...STOP BEING BOSSY. :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Creative papercraft

Sometimes work will make you bored because you're not a robot... Then I search something new and weird..Then i found cute papercraft and i never see it..Then i search again and again and again!...
Wooww!!!! So cute and creative..Its make u crazy!!!
when its start everything
shin tanaka from zebra
got to be rock!!
cute gurl control everything

Wanna see more here

I found most creative papercraft...its hard to fine in Malaysia..(i think)..Looked at it...You surely like it!!!

House of LIU Custom

Paper Steiny for KAIJIN


Monday, February 21, 2011

Fikir sebelum beli

 Tengah terlentang elok-elok je depan televisyen..Dengan penatnya badan..Tetiba bos perempuan telefon..Suruh datang balik opis..(Kalau tahu tu number bos..memang Weirdo tak jawab telefon) Yeyeo Weirdo datang balik ofis..Balik lewat..Last-last meeting ditangguhkan...Alasan sebab ada hal.Huh!Kalau ikutkan hati memang nak setel meeting ni cepat sikit.Ye la..Selagi tak meeting ada ja benda yang nak diubahkan.Yang itu ubah.Yang ini ubah..Makkk oiiii...Pada hal benda tu dah dibinding..Tapi tak apa lah sebab Weirdo leh rilek sikit..Paper work and lampiran dah siap.

So member pun sibuk la minta tolong install software yang dia nak...Itu lah orang tak sabar nak beli..Check pun tak..Last-last terkena...Bahawa betul kalau nak beli laptop sekarang ni.Kepada semua orang yang hendak beli laptop, pastikan :
1. Survey harga.Beli ikut kemampuan
2. Specification dalam laptop (sesuai dengan keperluan untuk benda yang kamu hendak buat)
3. Tanya free gift ada or tak (rugi woo kalau tak tanya)
4. Tanya kalau install software or windows free or tak
5. Sabar dan pandai main harga
6. Warranty 
7. Tanya jenis windows yang diinstall

Pada yang dah beli..sebelum balik rumah..pastikan:
1. Sebelum bawa balik..semak software yang anda hendak 
2. Ada resit (simpan sampai reput)
3. Makesure semua free gift boleh guna (kalau tak boleh guna tuntut balik)

Semua laptop sama saja.Tak kira la ada brand or tak..Ada tahan gegaran or tak.Kalo guna ganas sangat akan cepat rosak.So pepandai lah jaga ye kalau tak nak laptop rosak.

Jangan sampai kamu jadi macam ni

Sunday, February 20, 2011

For my cousin

Pagi Weirdo terima brita yang mengejutkan....Sepupu Weirdo telah meninggal akibat kemalangan jalan raya...Secara tetiba selepas mak Weirdo menelefon Weirdo...Ditakdirkan dia meninggalkan..Naik lah kereta apa pun...Porche ke..Ferari ke...Lori ke..Sekiranya dia ditakdirkan kembali kepada pada-Nya..perkara tu tetap akan berlaku...Al-Fatihah untuk sepupu Weirdo...dan Weirdo doakan rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di tempat orang yang beriman..Amin.....

Friday, February 18, 2011


Mengantuknya...Weirdo letih sangat hari ini..Ye la kerja start pagi.Balik lewat..Sebelum ni pun asyik tido lewat..Bilik pun dah tunggang-langgang.Semua ini semata-mata nak siapkan paper work untuk meeting.Kena check..Kena buat betul.Kalo salah kena buat lain.Selagi belum meeting macam-macam kena ubah...Dengan penatnya..

Then kena jumpa bos..Walamak!!Giler la sekejap.  Ini pun Weirdo curi-curi balik.Tapi apa boleh buat.Kalo Weirdo tak buat..Alamat tak siap la kerja Weirdo.Kena marah dengan bos.Orang lain tak dapat gaji..fuuhhhh....but it's ok..Take it positive..Weirdo pun orang penting gak kan..even gaji ala ciput ja..ahahaha (perasan).Sambil layan lagu Breaking Benjamin
..Memang semangat la..Hahahahaha!!
So be happy with your work..yeahhhh!!!